Donderdag 7 April 14u00 – 17u30
Campus GroepT – Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13, 3000 Leuven
Schrijf hier in voor het Industrieel Forum “Flexibele Productmanipulatie”
ATS2022 is the 9th edition of the CIRP International Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems organized under the auspices of the International Academy of Production Engineering CIRP. The central theme of this edition will be “Flexible Assembly and Disassembly Systems”. Experts from industry and academia will meet to present and discuss the latest developments and trends in the wide field from manual towards fully automated (dis)assembly technologies. The conference will cover a range of keynotes and technical sessions including, but not limited to flexible and reconfigurable (dis)assembly concepts and systems, human-robot interaction and collaboration, handling technologies, mobile and multi-robot systems, operator support and ergonomics…
The CIRP CATS2022 conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (6-8 April 2022) will be organized back-to-back with CIRP LCE2022 conference on Life Cycle Engineering (4-6 April 2022). Delegates of both conferences will have the opportunity to meet in a number of joint sessions on Wednesday 6 April, 2022 to foster cross-fertilization between both domains. Contributions presented during joint sessions include, among others, design for assembly and disassembly; disassembly technologies; re- and demanufacturing; and automation solutions for lightweight structure manufacturing. Furthermore, a joint conference reception will be organized on Tuesday evening 5 April, 2022.
In line with LCE2022 also the CATS2022 conference will be organized in a hybrid format.
Access to keynotes (live keynotes in Leuven)
Access to technical sessions in Leuven. Live participation in discussions.
Following streamed presentations of remote participants (limited to max. 20% of the slots)
Access to coffee break & networking sessions
Interactive workshops
Social events
Online access to streaming of keynotes
Online access to streaming of technical sessions (Leuven tracks) presentations via streaming. Participation in Leuven discussions via chat functionality.
Presentations by remote participants (on request; max. 20% of the slots). Priority will be given to requests from intercontinental participants.